Water Leak Detection Services in Greece, NY

Water leaks can cause severe damage to your home. If you suspect you have a leak, call us for detection and repair services in the Greece, NY area.

Water leaks can cause extensive damage to your home and property, especially if left undetected for long periods of time. That’s why it’s important to call a water leak detection company at the first sign of a leak. If you suspect you have a problem, call Fischer Plumbing & HVAC for detection and repair services in the Greece, NY area!

Do you suspect you have a slab leak? Don’t let it go unrepaired! Instead, contact us to learn about our slab leak repair services.

Risks Associated with Leaking Pipes

Leaking pipes are almost never a welcomed occurrence as these can cause extensive damage to your home and property if left undetected. Some risks associated with water leaks can include:

  • Flooding of your home and lawn.
  • Severe property damage to both the inside and outside of your house.
  • Damage to your pipes.
  • Health risks caused by mold, mildew, bacteria, or a broken sewer line.
  • Increase in water bills.
  • Electrical shortages that pose risks to your entire household.


Professional Water Line Leak Detection Techniques

If you suspect a water leak, it’s important to call a professional for inspection and water line leak repair. They have the expertise to know what to look for, as well as the equipment necessary to properly diagnose the problem. Some techniques professionals use can include:

  • Dig and drill: Experts might have to dig into certain parts of your yard, or even drill into your walls or your floor to find the source of the leak. Fortunately, most plumbers use this only as a last resort.
  • Meter detection: Plumbers have a digital apparatus they can use to search for leaks. In this process, a water meter is added on one end of the external points to assess the water pressure to detect if there is a leak present.
  • Video camera inspection: Most professionals prefer to use infrared technology to detect leaks. This can involve using a camera that’s designed to take pictures and videos of a pipe at various angles to view any cracks or leaks.

Don’t risk having your home flood in extreme weather.Learn about our sump pump services.

How to Avoid Water Line Leaks

Having a leak can be a nuisance, especially if it causes damage. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to avoid getting leaks in the future. Some of these methods can include:

  • Having your pipes inspected regularly to look for issues.
  • Replacing deteriorating or damaged pipes.
  • Insulating your pipes during the winter months.
  • Scheduling regular drain cleanings.
  • Not putting harmful materials down your drains.
  • Planting trees away from pipelines.
  • Knowing where your pipes run underneath the ground to avoid those areas when doing construction projects.

Water leaks can cause severe damage to your home if left undetected. If you suspect you have an issue, don’t delay before calling for professional services. Call Fischer Plumbing & HVAC today at (585) 663-3917 for water pipe leak repair in the Greece, NY area.